Things to do link h2
Random page roulette: Feeling adventurous? Hit the random page button in the top bar.
Light/dark mode toggle: Toggle between day and night modes.
Full theme control link h3
Unlike Material Design’s specs, I allow customizing the temperature direction of tertiary colors, the roundedness of shape corners, and various font stylings.
Access the theme control panel in the top bar.
Colors link h4
Key hue: Pick an input color hue.
Key chroma: Pick an input color chroma.
Tertiary temperature: Switch between cooler and warmer directions.
Contrast: Change the contrast levels for the site.
Shapes link h4
Shape roundness: Slide to make things as sharp or smooth as you want.
Images link h4
Dim images: Lowers image brightness in dark mode.
Typography link h4
Content width: Stretch or shrink content’s horizontal width.
Font size: Adjust font size.
Line height: Adjust vertical density of content.
Font families: Choose various font families for brand, plain, and code typefaces.